1. Plagiarism- unauthorized use or close imitation
2. Authorship- origin, especially with reference to an author, creator, producer, etc., of a work
3. Work Made for Hire- work (as art, music, writing, or a computer program) that is the property of an employer when made by one acting as an employee or is the property of the party for whom it is specially ordered or commissioned when that is expressly stipulated in writing —used in copyright law
4. Fair Use- Describes when you may use a copyrighted work without permission
What is the difference between?
5. Copyright- type of legal protection for works that are created or owned by a person or company.
6. Patent- grants the right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention for twenty years.
7. Trademark- identify products or services offered to the public
8. Trade Secret- a secret process, technique, method, etc., used to advantage in a trade, business, profession, etc.